This year we welcome Laura, Sophia R, Brooke, Henry M, Millie and Eve onto the School Council. The children were proudly presented with their green School Council badges during Collective Worship, after being voted for by their peers. We have started the new school year off with a bang, already holding several meetings to discuss future events in school and the sorts of events and activities that we wish to focus on this year. The School Council noticeboard is up and running, so our school community can see what is happening in school over the coming term. Keep an eye on the newsletters as they provide the dates and important information regarding School Council-led events. The first event on their agenda will be a non-uniform day on Friday, 27th October with proceeds donated to Help for Heroes. We are really and focused about the importance of recycling this year and how we can help our planet in school.
“My name is Laura (Year 6) and my favourite colours are beige and blue. I also enjoy meeting up with friends and family. I am so pleased that I have been chosen to represent my class on the School Council because I want to continue to make Barlow Primary a better place and I enjoy joining in with everything that is offered to me”.
“Hello, I’m Eve (Year 1) and I think that I am really sensible, I love Maths and coming to school. I am really looking forward to being on the School Council because I think that giving out the School Council certificate at the end of each day is a special thing to do! It is going to be lots of fun working with the other children, helping to make our school be the best school ever”.