Valuing the uniqueness and diversity of all our schools

PMAT Values

Formed in August 2016, Pathfinder is a successful well-established Multi Academy Trust serving more than 6,200 children and their families across York and North Yorkshire.

We are a flourishing and supportive learning community. A partnership of like-minded Church and Community Schools, where a clear and ambitious vision of a high quality inclusive education sets the course and permeates across all areas of school life. Pathfinder has a proven track record of leading the way. We are a Trust with strong examination results, high quality teaching and learning, an inspiring curriculum, excellent opportunities for personal development and a wide, varied programme of extra-curricular opportunities.

We understand that achievement comes in many different forms and work collectively to serve and inspire, nurturing aspiration and promoting excellence in all our pupils. We value the uniqueness and diversity of each of our schools, celebrating this distinctiveness and the contributions they make to the wider Pathfinder community.

For more information about Pathfinder, please visit the Trust’s website Please visit the following links for legal and financial information about the Trust:

Trust Members
Board of Trustees
Governance Information
Scheme of Delegation
Articles of Association
Funding Agreement
Annual Reports and Financial Statements

Contact the Trust

Pathfinder Multi Academy Trust
Archbishop Holgate’s School
Hull Road, York YO10 5ZA

Telephone: 01904 806000
Email: [email protected]