On Friday 13th March, after a full morning of sporting activities the children and staff needed a well earned rest. The whole school participated in Sports Relief, after putting themselves into their house teams. The children tried their hands at Boccia (indoor bowls) with a handful of pupils nearest the jack. Borodi, the Gulf coast 2018 commonwealth games dance came next, as the children and staff followed the mascot shaking those moves. Mrs Edenbrow was an exceptional dancer, and led the children from the front. Shoot the hoop followed the dancing with some great goal shooters amongst us, coached by Lily in Year 6. Finally the whole school walked a mile around the playground, creating a fantastic whole school atmosphere with everyone helping each other. A great morning was had by all. Well done from Mrs Hall who we thank for arranging a jampacked morning. Phew!!
We raised £65.60 through the sale of wristbands and contributions of £1 to wear sports kit for the day.
Thank you.