Our Year 6 leavers, Tristan, James, Jesse, Eva and George look very happy to receive their hoodies. We will miss them all but wish them well in the next part of their school learning journey.
We had an incredible afternoon celebrating our Year 6's time at Barlow Primary. Rev Pete joined us for their final Leaving Service and provided some lively entertainment and gave them a worthy send-off, as usual. Their classmates prepared songs and prayers for them, alongside words that they associate with each Year 6. There were some great examples and it showed how much our Year 5s think of our Year 6s.
The messages and photos sent in by parents were outstanding! The team in Class 3 were in awe at seeing our Year 6s as babies and toddlers. None of them have changed at bit! The messages were especially moving, and we have some very talented writers in our midst.
We are so proud of our Year 6s and sad to see them go. However, we know they will have the best time on the next stage of their journey to high school. We wish them the very best and if they ever want to drop in and let us know how things are going, they will be very welcome. From the Class 3 Team.