Christmas Card Competition
Pictured on the cover photo are Lewis H, Oliver and Scarlett who won the BPASA Christmas Card Competition and were presented with prizes by Mrs Dobson, Mrs Durham, Mrs Dodds and Mrs Hefford. Well done.
Christmas Swop Shop
There was minimal interest in the Christmas jumper, clothes and accessories Christmas Swop Shop but it was worth a try, so thank you if you contributed or attended.
Christmas Crafts
On Wednesday, 4th December Mrs Durham, Mrs Dodds, Mrs Dobson and Miss Cooper joined us to make Christmas Crafts with the children. They spread themselves out amongst the classes to provide this free event for the children; we thank them for giving up their time. Please see the photos in the gallery.
Christmas Raffle
The winning raffle tickets were - bottle hamper, Mrs Durham (pictured), chocolate hamper, Zac in Class 1 and the toy hamper, Jenny (a friend of the Dodds family)
The Christmas Raffle plus monies raised from the refreshments sales at the KS1 Nativity raised £275.50 towards BPASA funds.
Christmas Fayre
The Christmas Fayre took place at Barlow Village Hall on Saturday, 7th December and was a big success raising a total of £187.42 for BPASA funds.
The volunteers only had 4 and half weeks to prepare everything and they did a sterling job.
We had a number of stalls from the community, and we even had a visit from Selby Santa! Despite the weather there was plenty of fun to be had with Guess the Name of the Elf, Christmas Raffle, Biscuit Decorating, and a Candy Cane Lane.
The children were so excited for Christmas and wrote their Santa letters and posted them ready.
It was a lovely turn out despite the storm. Mrs Durham, Chair of the BPASA would like to thank all the volunteers who helped with the refreshments stall and the other BPASA stalls, as we couldn't have managed without them.
Harvey is pictured in the gallery with the Elf that he won at the Christmas Fayre when he correctly named it as Joy.
Blake and Lewis’ Grandma won Guess the Number of Sweets in a Jar with the correct number of 37.