Anti bullying

Anti-Bullying Week 2022 is coordinated in England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. It took place from 14 to 18 November 2022 and had the theme Reach Out.

In Class 1, we have been exploring the word ‘kindness’. The children have all discussed different ways to be kind and how we care about each and every member of Barlow School. We had some wonderful suggestions on how to be kind from Class 1 – say, “you are my sunshine”, “love everyone in the whole wide-world”. We are so proud to have such caring individuals in Class 1!

Eva in Class 2 explained that “during Anti-Bullying week our Teachers explained what bullying is and how to prevent and sort it out. You never do bullying and it’s very mean”. 

In Class 3 we talked about how it feels to be bullied, why people might bully and what children should do and where they can go if they feel bullied or are concerned about someone else. The children found that they could consult their parents and carers, members of staff, Childline or the NSPCC.