The school is thankful for a committed ‘Friends of the school’ fundraising group BPASA (Barlow Parent, Adult & Staff Association).
The first Barlow Parent, Adult and Staff Association meeting was held on Thursday, 19th January 2023 with some fabulous ideas being discussed between the parent attendees, regarding how to raise money to benefit our children at Barlow Primary School.
We are constantly planning plenty of fundraising events throughout the year, so if anyone would like to help at any of the forthcoming events or to raise funds, please contact one of the committee members: Naomi Durham (Chair), Maria Dodds (Vice Chair), Naomi Durham & Charlotte Dobson (Joint Treasurers), Fran Howard (Member of Committee) or Leanne Cooper (Secretary), Zoe Hefford (Social Media Manager) or alternatively email to express your interest.
The BPASA are pleased to announce that they have recently taken delivery of new t-shirts (kindly modelled on the cover photo by Naomi their Chairperson). The members will wear their t-shirts during all future events, to be easily identified, so that they can be approached with any questions or queries.
Please check our our BPASA Facebook page for up-to-date information about our events and fundraising
We also have set up an Easyfundraising link to help raise funds for the school. If you click on the link below and add the app to your phone to use when you shop, your favourite brands they donate as you spend with them, earning valuable money towards the BPASA funds.
Fundraising | Charity Fundraising Online | You Spend Online, Brands Donate | Easyfundraising
Thank you for your support, from Naomi, Maria, Charlotte, Fran and Leanne.