On Monday, 24th July we held our annual Year 6 leavers service. The children performed a play written by Mary and leavers’ prayers that they had written. They listened to the words of their parents who had sent information into school about their school journey, along with photos of them as babies and on their first day at school (much to the embarrassment of some).
All of the children received a traditional Barlow bear and Leavers’ autograph/notebook which was kindly funded by the BPASA, as well as some other small gifts. We would like to thank Mrs Moore for attending to represent the BPASA and thank the BPASA for their gift contributions and for the balloons and banner that they provided which helped to make the service even more special and were much appreciated.
We also would like to thank all of the Year 6 parents and grandparents for their support and hope that those who were able to attend, enjoyed it as much as the children did.
We wish all our Year 6 pupils every success in their journey through high school and we will miss them immensely.