Trolley of food ready for lunch time

Your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Please note that contributions-based benefits, including contribution-related Jobseekers' Allowance do not entitle you to claim free school meals.

From 1 April 2018 the Government introduced new regulations for people claiming free schools meals who receive Universal Credit. The change means that if your net annual earnings are more than £7,400 you will not be eligible to claim free school meals.

Pupils who received free school meals before 1 April 2018 and pupils who are assessed as eligible after 1 April 2018 will continue to receive free school meals until the end of the universal roll out period, which is expected to be March 2022. This applies even if they no longer meet the eligibility criteria at a subsequent point during the roll out period.

At the end of the Universal Credit roll out period, any existing pupil who no longer meets the eligibility criteria will continue to receive free school meals until the end of their current phase of education, i.e. primary or secondary school.


We understand that some families may be facing financial hardship as the cost of living increases and NYCC School Welfare are doing all that they can to ensure that every family that is eligible to claim Free School Meals (FSM) for their child is benefiting from this additional help.

With this in mind they have made it easier for parents to apply for a free school meal.

Their new application process means that all applications are now made electronically. In just a few simple steps and a matter of minutes parents will receive an instant decision on whether their application has been successful.

Better for schools and better for parents

  • The new FSM application process is much faster, providing an instant decision to applicants
  • Less hassle – the new system means that no paperwork or printers are required – all applications are now made electronically
  • Accessibility for the entire school community - all applications can be translated into any language via Google translate

The new application process is now live and can be accessed immediately here: Synergy - Enquiry (

Please see attached step-by-step guide for parents and carers who may who may wish to check their eligibility and apply for free school meals.

If you have any queries about the new application process, please contact the School Welfare Team using the details below.  Phone: 01609 533 405.  Email: [email protected]

You should continue to pay until confirmation comes through. Free school meals claims cannot be backdated. They are awarded from the date the Local Authority receive the application, once eligibility is confirmed. This is because there is a legal requirement for a request to be made, before a free school meal can be provided.

Universal free school meals for infants

If your child is in reception, year one or year two they are automatically entitled to a free school meal, funded by the government. Parents who are on benefits and meet the above criteria are still encouraged to apply for free school meal funding, known as pupil premium funding. This benefits the school and helps increase your child's attainment. During the current roll out of Universal Credit if your child is approved for free school meals they will gain 'transitional protection' until at least March 2023.