The ladies from the BPASA were as busy as Santa's elves prior to Christmas this year, gathering prizes for the Winter Raffle, ready for the tickets to be sold in time for the KS1 Nativity performances. There were 3 hampers up for grabs, a chocolate, toy and alcohol hamper and the winning recipients can be seen in the gallery receiving their prizes. A grand total of £439.30 (less expenses) was raised in total. The happy winners can be seen receiving their hampers in the gallery.
The BPASA also provided refreshments for the families attending the Nativity, raising a further amount of £33.
A further amount of £27.50 was raised in funds for a Name the Polar Bear Competition which was won by Lacey in Year 5 (pictured in the gallery).
At the end of the Nativity, Ann from Barlow Village Club was presented with gifts, to show thanks from the BPASA for hosting the Nativity and proceeding events.