We celebrated Harvest Festival in school on Wednesday, 5th October 2022 and our children gave thanks for the generous donations of food donated by our parents and carers. Pictured below with the members of our School Council is Nigel Currey, Chairman of Trustees for Selby and District Foodbank who came to collect the food. Nigel is also pictured with Mr Rich and our Year 6 pupils who took part in the Enterprise Day in July, raising a fantastic £203.30 which they also donated to Selby Foodbank. A big thank you to all of our parents and carers for your contributions to Enterprise Day and to Harvest Festival which will make a big difference to many people in our wider Selby community.
Mr Currey said, “We are very grateful for the donations of both money and food from Barlow C of E Primary School and very well done to all those involved. Donations of both food and money from Harvest Festivals at schools, churches and elsewhere give an essential boost to Foodbank stocks as we move into the winter and higher demand. We are grateful to all those who have given so much to us in the past few weeks with the promise of more to come.”
If you feel that you need support yourselves from the Selby District Foodbank and would like to know how they can help you, or if you have time to spare and would like to help in a voluntary capacity, please visit their website: -