Firstly, The School Council would like to say a huge thank you for the generous cake donations for our first Bake Sale in quite some time which took place on Friday, 21st October. We were astounded with how many cakes, bakes and biscuits were donated and we were literally flooded with them. The afternoon was a big success and we were able to raise £134.50 to send to the Pakistan Flood Relief which included the funds raised from the Non-Uniform Day which also took place. It was lovely to see so many parents and family members enjoying themselves at the Bake Sale and choosing the delicious goods on offer.
Thank you once again for your kind donations and support for our chosen charities and also to the pupils who represented our school during the Bake Sale. There were numerous compliments from parents and carers on how welcoming, polite and encouraging the children were in encouraging everyone to spend their money to help the cause!
When discussing the floods in Pakistan in Class 1 the children were eager to help - 'Everyone is as important as each other so we need to help!' We soon started discussing how we could help. Our ideas ranged from talent shows to selling sausages! We eventually decided a bake sale would be the best option and passed this on to our School Council representative. The children loved bringing in their baked creations and supporting this cause.
At the end of the day we had so many donations to the Bake Sale that Mrs Hunt and Scarlett (pictured below) took the remaining goods to be kindly received by Selby Sleepsafe. Sleepsafe are located at the back of Selby Superbowl and help to relieve the needs of homeless persons, or those at risk of homelessness, in Selby and the surrounding areas by the provision of temporary accommodation, providing food, drink, warmth, washing facilities, replacement clothing, companionship, advocacy services, advice, signposting and help with accessing external support.